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Eesti Filharmoonia Kammerkoor
Litany To Thunder 1999

Ultimate recording. Deep concern for the fate of my tiny homeland, my people and our culture have keyed my creative work. I hope this CD succeeds in expressing those feelings. (Veljo Tormis)

Eesti Filharmoonia Kammerkoor
Forgotten Peoples 1992

Six brilliant song-cycles from the folklore of almost forgotten peoples who are close to Estonians. 'I'm convinced that the world would be considerably poorer without the culture of these people.' (Veljo Tormis)

Holst Singers
Choral Music 2008

The album fully dedicated to Veljo Tormis music. The Holst Singers tackle this largely unfamiliar repertoire with refinement, intelligence and clarity.

Hilliard Ensemble
A Hilliard Songbook 1996

Veljo Tormis on ‘Kullervo’s Message’, the piece comissioned by The Hilliard Ensemble: 'The Kalevala and the Baltic-Finnic epic songs contain eternal patterns of human relationships, ethical concepts and archetypal characters. Kullervo’s name is associated witht the most tragic events of the epic …

King's Singers
Sermons and devotions 1996

Premiere recording of ‘Piispa Ja Pakana’, comissioned by King’s Singers. A truly vital-sounding work and its superb performance.

Eesti Filharmoonia Kammerkoor
Heaps Of Song 2000

'...Several heaps of old Estonian *runo* songs that have accompanied me through all of my life as a composer.' (Veljo Tormis)

Svanholm Singers
Works for Men's Voices 2007

'The trumpeting voices of these twenty singers combine in a shining and powerful male choir under the energetic direction of their charming young conductor Sofia Söderberg Eberhard. This CD presents the result of this happy endeavour.' (Veljo Tormis)

Musica Intima
Forgotten peoples 2006

It would appear that through his music Tormis has succeeded in giving a new lease on life to these forgotten people. (Jacques André Houle)

Cincinnati Symphony Orchestra
Symphony no. 10 in e minor, op. 93 2009

According to Paavo Järvi Tormis is one of the most important Estonian composers and his Overture is something truly unique.

Eesti Rahvusmeeskoor
Vision of Estonia I 2001

Esimene album Eesti Riikliku Meeskoori viieplaadilises sarjas Veljo Tormise meeskooriloominguga.

Hilliard Ensemble, Jan Garbarek
Mnemosyne 1999

The album is a sequel to Officium, one of the most significant recordings in Jan Garbarek’s career. Music spans 22 centuries, from the 'Delphic Paean' of Athenaeus to the 'Estonian Lullaby' of Veljo Tormis, via folk song fragments from North and South America and Spain.

Eesti Filharmoonia Kammerkoor
Casting a Spell... 1996

Tõnu Kaljuste has created fusion of beautiful poetry, pulsating chant and robust part-singing in this extraordinarily varied programme from the Balto-Finnic peoples. 'I consider Estonian Calendar Songs a turning point in my artistic life." (Veljo Tormis)

Eesti Rahvusmeeskoor
People of Kalevala 1996

Veljo Tormis has succeeded in being an excellent medium between the old and new in Finno-Ugric culture is written in album liner notes. Estonian National Male choir gives their best to prove it.

Portland State University Chamber Choir
On American Shores 2007

Tormis met with the Chamber Choir while they were on tour in Estonia in 2003. He supported an idea of recording his songs in English.

Kammerkoor Ellerhein
Kammerkoor "Ellerhein" 1982

'Here we see the intent to convey authentic folksong to contemporary listeners, to maintain the inner principles of folksong, to find a compromise between it and the understanding of the present day audience and to be the means of conveyance but not of transformation.' (Lepo Sumera)

Kammerkoor Ellerhein
Kammerkoor "Ellerhein" 1981

'The routine-free methods of these youthful singers allowed a performance style appropriate to folk song to be worked out. Similarly, the recording personnel adapted to a non-traditional recording style which assisted our collective desire to communicate better an understanding of runo-song.' (Velj…

Raua needmine 2006

Veljo Tormis meets folk-metal with a little help from Estonian National Male Choir, and the result is quite intriguing.

Vitrail 2006

The French choir concentrates their voice-energy into Curse Upon Iron - the piece about purification of iron from evil forces. 'Every thing created by man can turn against the man himself if he has no respect for life.' (Veljo Tormis, the shaman)

Tütarlastekoor Ellerhein
Nüüd ep on ilus elada 2010

Pka ajalooga tütarlastekoori esimene Veljo Tormise autoriplaat, mis sündis Ellerheina dirigendi Tiia-Ester Loitme ning helilooja enese koostöös.

Collegium Musicale
Unustatud rahvad 2014

Salvestus kontserdilt, kus Collegium Musicale esitas kogu Veljo Tormise "Unustatud rahvaste" tsükli, kõik osad järjest. Teadaolevalt olis see esimene kord üldse, kui niisugune esitus toimus.

The Gesualdo Six
Fading 2020

The group's third album is inspired by the day's-end Compline service, and the not widely known chromatic folk song settings of Veljo Tormis suit to this atmosphere very well.

Academic Female Choir of the University of Tartu
Star Bride 2000

Full album with music by Veljo Tormis. Songs for female choir. 'We have forgotten the mythological background of 'Star Bride' long time ago. However, the beautiful picture preserved in the song depicts an ancient idea of the wholeness of the world in which man is part of nature and cosmic infinity…

There Lies The Home 2006

There Lies the Home celebrates the courage and fortitude of early explorers who risked their lives on the tumultuous great blue unknown to make the world a little more connected.

Carmina Slovenica
Vampirabile 2007

Myths, legends, spells and incantations in mysterious images created by songs like ‘Curse Upon Iron’.

Eesti Televisiooni Tütarlastekoor
Gratias 2006