Forgotten peoples

Musica Intima




It would appear that through his music Tormis has succeeded in giving a new lease on life to these forgotten people. (Jacques André Houle)


Atma Classique (ACD2 2354)

Album info

Bukletis esitatavast muusikast inglise ja prantsuse keeles, laulutekstid ja nende tõlked inglise ja prantsuse keelde
Buklett 48 lk.
Esitus eesti, soome ja vepsa keeles

Anne-Marie Sylvestre: Recording and digital mastering
Jacques André Houle: Booklet editor, text
Johanne Gouette: Producer
Diane Lagacé: Graphic design
Getty Images: Cover art


Recorded from Otober 3 to October 7, Chan Center for the Performing Arts, University of British Columbia, Vancouver.

1. Sügismaastikud: On hilissuvi / Autumn Landscapes: Late summer / Paysages d'automne: La Fin de l'été

Veljo Tormis, Viivi Luik

Autumn Landscapes Late Summer

ISRC: CAJ720635401


2. Sügismaastikud: Üle taeva jooksevad pilved / Autumn Landscapes: Clouds Racing in the Sky / Paysages d'automne: La Course des nuages

Veljo Tormis, Viivi Luik

Autumn Landscapes Clouds Racing in the Sky

ISRC: CAJ720635402


3. Sügismaastikud: Kahvatu valgus / Autumn Landscapes: Pale Light / Paysages d'automne: Lumière pâle

Veljo Tormis, Viivi Luik

Autumn Landscapes Pale Light

ISRC: CAJ720635403


4. Sügismaastikud: Valusalt punased lehed / Autumn Landscapes: Crimson Leaves Falling / Paysages d'automne: Feuilles pourpres d'automne

Veljo Tormis, Viivi Luik

Autumn Landscapes Crimson Leaves Falling

ISRC: CAJ720635404


5. Sügismaastikud: Tuul kõnnumaa kohal / Autumn Landscapes: Wind Along The Heath / Paysages d'automne: Vent sur la lande

Veljo Tormis, Viivi Luik

Autumn Landscapes Wind Over Wilderness

ISRC: CAJ720635405


6. Sügismaastikud: Külm sügisöö / Autumn Landscapes: Cold Autumn Night / Paysages d'automne: Nuit froide d'automne

Veljo Tormis, Viivi Luik

Autumn Landscapes Cold Autumn Night

ISRC: CAJ720635406


7. Sügismaastikud: Kanarbik / Autumn Landscapes: Heather / Paysages d'automne: Bruyère

Veljo Tormis, Viivi Luik

Autumn Landscapes Heather

ISRC: CAJ720635407


8. Jaanilaulud: Kutse jaanitulele I / St. John's Day Songs: Call to the Midsummer Bonfire I / Chants de la Saint-Jean: Appel pour le Feu de la Saint-Jean I

Veljo Tormis
solistid Melanie Adams (alt), Marianne de Kleer (alt)

St. John's Day Songs Call to the Midsummer Bonfire I

ISRC: CAJ720635408


9. Jaanilaulud: Kutse jaanitulele II / St. John's Day Songs: Call to the Midsummer Bonfire II / Chants de la Saint-Jean: Appel pour le Feu de la Saint-Jean II

Veljo Tormis

St. John's Day Songs Call to the Midsummer Bonfire II

ISRC: CAJ720635409


10. Jaanilaulud: Ei ole püssil püütav / St. John's Day Songs: Cannot Be Caught by the Shot of a Gun / Chants de la Saint-Jean: On ne me prendra pas avec un fusil

Veljo Tormis

St. John's Day Songs Can't be Caught by a Gun

ISRC: CAJ720635410


11. Jaanilaulud: Miks Jaani oodatakse / St. John's Day Songs: Why Ee Look Forward to St. John's Arrival / Chants de la Saint-Jean: Pourquoi l'on attend saint Jean

Veljo Tormis

St. John's Quartet Jaanika! (Why St. John is Awaited)

ISRC: CAJ720635411


12. Jaanilaulud: Jaani hobu / St. John's Day Songs: St. John's Steed / Chants de la Saint-Jean: Le Coursier de saint Jean

Veljo Tormis

St. John's Day Songs St. John's Song

ISRC: CAJ720635412


13. Jaanilaulud: Tulesõnad / St. John's Day Songs: Fire Incantation / Chants de la Saint-Jean: Incantation du feu

Veljo Tormis

St. John's Day Songs Fire Spell

ISRC: CAJ720635413


14. Jaanilaulud: Jaanilaul / St. John's Day Songs: St. John's Song / Chants de la Saint-Jean: Chant de la Saint-Jean

Veljo Tormis
solist Katherine Goheen (sopran)

ISRC: CAJ720635414


15. Virmalised / Northern Lights / Aurore boréale

Veljo Tormis

Reminiscentia: Winter Patterns [Talvemustrid] Northen Lights

ISRC: CAJ720635415


16. Vastlalaulud: Vistel-vastel / Shrovetide songs: Vistel-vastel / Chants des jours gras: Vistel-vastel

Veljo Tormis

Shrovetide Songs Vistel-Vastel

ISRC: CAJ720635416


17. Vastlalaulud: Lina loitsimine / Shrovetide songs: Casting a Spell Upon Flax / Chants des jours gras: Incantation pour le lin

Veljo Tormis

Shrovetide Songs Spell Upon Flax

ISRC: CAJ720635417


18. Vastlalaulud: Liulaskmise laul / Shrovetide songs: Sledging Song / Chants des jours gras: Vistel-vastel

Veljo Tormis

Shrovetide Songs Sledding Song

ISRC: CAJ720635418


19. Laevas lauldakse / Singing Aboard Ship / Chanter sur le navire

Veljo Tormis
solist Melanie Adams (alt)

Singing Aboard Ship

ISRC: CAJ720635419


20. Vepsa rajad: Õekene, sirgukene / Vepsian Path: My Sister, My Little Sricket / Chemins vepses: Ma sœur, mon petit grillon

Veljo Tormis

Vepsian Paths My Sister, My Little Cricket

ISRC: CAJ720635420


21. Vepsa rajad: Venesse pürgiv neiu / Vepsian Path: The Maid Striving to the Boat / Chemins vepses: La Jeune fille et la barque

Veljo Tormis

Vepsian Paths The Maid Striving to the Boat

ISRC: CAJ720635421


22. Vepsa rajad: Taevased kosilased / Vepsian Path: The Heavenly Suitors / Chemins vepses: Les Prétendants célestes

Veljo Tormis

Vepsian Paths The Heavenly Suitors

ISRC: CAJ720635422


23. Vepsa rajad: Läksin mina Kikoilasse / Vepsian Path: I Went to Kikoila / Chemins vepses: En me rendant à Kikoila

Veljo Tormis
solistid Siri Olesen (sopran), Michael Murray (bass)

Vepsian Paths I Went to Kikoila

ISRC: CAJ720635423


24. Vepsa rajad: Kukku ja kukku / Vepsian Path: Cuckoo and Cuckoo / Chemins vepses: Coucou et coucou

Veljo Tormis
Derrick Christian (bass)

Vepsian Paths Cuckoo and Cuckoo

ISRC: CAJ720635424


25. Vepsa rajad: Läksin mina veele / Vepsian Path: I Went for the Water / Chemins vepses: Je suis allée chercher l'eau

Veljo Tormis
solist Melanie Adams (alt)

Vepsian Paths I Went for Water

ISRC: CAJ720635425


26. Vepsa rajad: Kiisu-miisu / Vepsian Path: Pussy-Cat / Chemins vepses: Minou

Veljo Tormis
solist Jonathan Quick (tenor)

Vepsian Paths Pussy-cat

ISRC: CAJ720635426


27. Vepsa rajad: Laulda teile lauluke / Vepsian Path: To Sing You a Little Song / Chemins vepses: Te chanter une petite chanson

Veljo Tormis
solist Caitlin MacRae (alt)

Vepsian Paths To Sing You a Little Song

ISRC: CAJ720635427


28. Vepsa rajad: Kus sa täna magasid? / Vepsian Path: Where Did You Sleep Last Night? / Chemins vepses: Où as-tu dormi la nuit dernière?

Veljo Tormis

Vepsian Paths Where Did You Sleep Last Night?

ISRC: CAJ720635428


29. Vepsa rajad: Mis teil tehakse? / Vepsian Path: What Are They Doing? / Chemins vepses: Que font-ils ?

Veljo Tormis

Vepsian Paths What Are They Doing?

ISRC: CAJ720635429


30. Vepsa rajad: Ronis härg kuuse otsa / Vepsian Path: The Ox Climbed a Fir Tree / Chemins vepses: Le Bœuf grimpa dans un sapin

Veljo Tormis

Vepsian Paths The Ox Climbed a Fir Tree

ISRC: CAJ720635430


31. Vepsa rajad: Vägisi mehele / Vepsian Path: Forced To Get Married / Chemins vepses: Le Mariage forcé

Veljo Tormis

Vepsian Paths Forced to Get Married

ISRC: CAJ720635431


32. Vepsa rajad: Äiutus / Vepsian Path: Lulling / Chemins vepses: Berceuse

Veljo Tormis

Vepsian Paths Lulling

ISRC: CAJ720635432


33. Vepsa rajad: Ainus poeg / Vepsian Path: The Only Son / Chemins vepses: Le Fils unique

Veljo Tormis
solist Troy Topnik (tenor)

Vepsian Paths The Only Son

ISRC: CAJ720635433


34. Vepsa rajad: Tutu-lutu karjane / Vepsian Path: Toot-Toot Herdsboy / Chemins vepses: Tuut-tuut, jeune berger

Veljo Tormis
solistid Joanna Dundas (sopran), Marianne de Kleer (alt), Lane Price (tenor), Michael Mori (bass)

Vepsian Paths Herdsboy Tootling

ISRC: CAJ720635434


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