Bukletis heliloojast, teostest, esitajatest inglise, saksa ja prantsuse keeles, laulutekstid ja nende tõlked inglise keelde
Buklett 32 lk.
Kujundaja Andrew Barnett
fotograaf Konstantin Kirillov
Esitus ladina (1) ja eesti keeles (ülejäänud)
Salvestatud veebruaris 2012 Rootsis, Uppsala Ülikooli aulas.
Veljo Tormis, Kalevala (ladinakeelne tõlge Tuomo Pekkanen)
Incantatio maris aestuosi (Incantatio for a Stormy Sea)ISRC: SEAET1293010
Veljo Tormis, Jaan Kaplinski
Once We Will ReapperISRC: SEAET1293020
Veljo Tormis, Paul-Eerik Rummo
Andreas Alin (flööt)
ISRC: SEAET1293030
Veljo Tormis, traditional
Shrovetide Songs Vistel-VastelISRC: SEAET1293040
Veljo Tormis, traditional
Shrovetide Songs Spell Upon FlaxISRC: SEAET1293050
Veljo Tormis, traditional
Shrovetide Songs Sledding SongISRC: SEAET1293060
Veljo Tormis, Ain Kaalep
Gunnar Sundberg (tenor), Henrik Stolare (bariton), Magnus Einarsson (bass trumm)
ISRC: SEAET1293070
Veljo Tormis, traditional
Elin Rombo (sopran)
ISRC: SEAET1293090
Veljo Tormis, Kalevala kohandanud August Annist, Paul-Eerik Rummo, Jaan Kaplinski
Gunnar Sundberg (tenor), Henrik Stolare (bariton), Folke Alin (šamaanitrumm)
ISRC: SEAET1293100
Veljo Tormis, traditional
Magnus Sjögren (tenor)
ISRC: SEAET1293110
Veljo Tormis, Paul-Eerik Rummo
Hamlet's Songs I, IIISRC: SEAET1293120
Veljo Tormis, Paul-Eerik Rummo
Hamlet's Songs I, IIISRC: SEAET1293130
Veljo Tormis, Gustav Suits
Double Dedication [Diptych] There's One Song I Want to Sing (Gustav Suits)ISRC: SEAET1293140
Veljo Tormis, Marie Under
Double Dedication [Diptych] Stars (Marie Under)ISRC: SEAET1293150
On Album1
Curse Upon Iron on Spotify
The disc contains music ranging from the 1960s, and three decades ahead. “Helletused”, “Viru vanne” and “Kaksikpuhendus” are just some of the works that appears on the disc. Soloists are Elin Rombo, Andreas Alin and Folke Alin. Conductor: Cecilia Rydinger Alin.
Orphei Drängar Homepage
Product info
Presto Classical
Recording of the Month, Music Web International, January 2013. Tracks preview.
BIS Records Homepage
CD Info on distributor page.
Chandos Records Homepage
Albumi kirjeldus Eesti raamatukogude ühiskataloogis
The disc contains music ranging from the 1960s, and three decades ahead. “Helletused”, “Viru vanne” and “Kaksikpuhendus” are just some of the works that appears on the disc. Soloists are Elin Rombo, Andreas Alin and Folke Alin. Conductor: Cecilia Rydinger Alin.
Orphei Drängar Homepage
Product info
Presto Classical
CD Info on distributor page.
Chandos Records Homepage