Kuus hiilgavalt esitatud lalutsüklit eestlastele lähedaste kuid peaaegu unustatud rahvaste folkloorist. "Ma olen veendunud, et ilma nende rahvaste kultuurita oleks maailm oluliselt vaesem." (Veljo Tormis)
Eesti Filharmoonia Kammerkoor
Tõnu Kaljuste
ECM Records (ECM 1459/60)
Bukletis laulude originaaltekstid ja tõlge inglise keelde
Ilmunud ka LP-l
Esitus soome-ugri keeltes
Produced by Paul Hillier
Cover Design: Barbara Wojirsch
Valok Lauri Laiho, 1938 (back photo)
Salvestatud veebruaris 1990 Tapiola kirikus Soomes
Heliinsener: Peter Laenger
Veljo Tormis
Liivlaste pärandus Lindude äratamineISRC: DEB339045901
Veljo Tormis
Liivlaste pärandus Unehiireke; seade mezzosopranile ja meeskoorile (2000 a.)ISRC: DEB339045904
Veljo Tormis
Liivlaste pärandus Laulis isa, laulis poegaISRC: DEB339045905
Veljo Tormis
Vadja pulmalaulud Mõrsja vihtlemineISRC: DEB339045906
Veljo Tormis
Vadja pulmalaulud Pulmaliste saabumineISRC: DEB339045907
Veljo Tormis
Vadja pulmalaulud PilkelaulmineISRC: DEB339045908
Veljo Tormis
Vadja pulmalaulud Veimevaka jagamineISRC: DEB339045909
Veljo Tormis
Vadja pulmalaulud Noorpaari õpetamineISRC: DEB339045910
Veljo Tormis
Vadja pulmalaulud Koka kiitmineISRC: DEB339045911
Veljo Tormis
Vadja pulmalaulud Kui ma kasvasin, kanakeISRC: DEB339045912
Veljo Tormis
Isuri eepos Kolme käo kukkumineISRC: DEB339045914
Veljo Tormis
Isuri eepos Oh ma vaene poisikeISRC: DEB339045918
Veljo Tormis
Isuri eepos Suu laulis, süda muretsesISRC: DEB339045919
Veljo Tormis
Isuri eepos Undarmo ja KalervoISRC: DEB339045922
Veljo Tormis
Ingerimaa õhtud (Inkerin Illat) Röntüškä (Tantsulaul) IISRC: DEB339046001
Veljo Tormis
Ingerimaa õhtud (Inkerin Illat) Röntüškä (Tantsulaul) IIISRC: DEB339046002
Veljo Tormis
Ingerimaa õhtud (Inkerin Illat) Röntüškä (Tantsulaul) IIIISRC: DEB339046003
Veljo Tormis
Ingerimaa õhtud (Inkerin Illat) Tšastuška (Kiigelaul) IISRC: DEB339046004
Veljo Tormis
Ingerimaa õhtud (Inkerin Illat) Tšastuška (Kiigelaul) IIISRC: DEB339046005
Veljo Tormis
Ingerimaa õhtud (Inkerin Illat) RingmängulaulISRC: DEB339046006
Veljo Tormis
Ingerimaa õhtud (Inkerin Illat) Röntüškä (Tantsulaul) IVISRC: DEB339046007
Veljo Tormis
Ingerimaa õhtud (Inkerin Illat) Röntüškä (Tantsulaul) VISRC: DEB339046008
Veljo Tormis
Ingerimaa õhtud (Inkerin Illat) Lõpetus ja kojuminekISRC: DEB339046009
Veljo Tormis
Vepsa rajad Õekene, sirgukeneISRC: DEB339046010
Veljo Tormis
Vepsa rajad Venesse pürgiv neiuISRC: DEB339046011
Veljo Tormis
Vepsa rajad Läksin mina KikoilasseISRC: DEB339046013
Veljo Tormis
Vepsa rajad Läksin mina veeleISRC: DEB339046015
Veljo Tormis
Vepsa rajad Laulda teile laulukeISRC: DEB339046017
Veljo Tormis
Vepsa rajad Kus sa täna magasid?ISRC: DEB339046018
Veljo Tormis
Vepsa rajad Mis teil tehakse?ISRC: DEB339046019
Veljo Tormis
Vepsa rajad Ronis härg kuuse otsaISRC: DEB339046020
Veljo Tormis
Karjala saatus (Karjalan kohtalo) Nuttev neiu (Itkevä neito) (1986)ISRC: DEB339046025
Veljo Tormis
Karjala saatus (Karjalan kohtalo) Mere kosilased (Meren kosijat) (1986)ISRC: DEB339046026
Veljo Tormis
Karjala saatus (Karjalan kohtalo) Orjana Virus (Orjana Virossa) (1987)ISRC: DEB339046027
Veljo Tormis
Karjala saatus (Karjalan kohtalo) Tamme raiuja (Tammen kaataja) (1987)ISRC: DEB339046028
Veljo Tormis
Karjala saatus (Karjalan kohtalo) Hällilaul (Kehtolaulu) (1989)ISRC: DEB339046029
Album overview on the record company homepage
ECM Records Homepage
CD info
This is a culturally and musically important collection sung by one of the world’s finest vocal collectives. The Estonian Philharmonic Chamber Choir seems to have a limitless supply of breath. Yet while this music certainly does draw in faraway listeners, it also casts a powerful cultural message into a world that had shunned it for so long. This is part of what makes Forgotten Peoples so potent. By the same token, Tormis himself has said that his “promotional” approach to folksong is just as instructive to his own people as it is to the global market. (Tyran Grillo, 2010-06-22)
ECM Reviews
Helilooja Veljo Tormise esimene autoriplaat "Forgotten Peoples" maineka Müncheni plaadifirma ECM Records sarjas New Series. Kuula albumi tutvustust Klassikaraadios (Johanna Mängel, 2020-06-24)
Product info
CD info
Tormis integrates folk-material into his own style in much the same way as Bartok does. As a result, there is a great variety of timbres and textures in the songs that make up these six cycles. Pedals, ostinatos and dance-rhythms abound as does frequent alternation of solo and choral singing. He makes extensive use of accompanied Sprechstimme to narrate some of the lengthy ballads in Izhorian Epic. (Author: ????)
Forgotten peoples on Spotify
ECM's US marketing team dreaded this set's release—a full-price double CD of an unknown choir performing unknown music by an unknown composer—until they heard it. Forgotten Peoples, a recording without a marketing niche, may well create one of its very own, or find a home in many already established markets. It deserves to do both. It is as important as it is beautiful. (Richard Lehnert, 1992-08-02)
Albumi kirjeldus Eesti raamatukogude ühiskataloogis
This is a culturally and musically important collection sung by one of the world’s finest vocal collectives. The Estonian Philharmonic Chamber Choir seems to have a limitless supply of breath. Yet while this music certainly does draw in faraway listeners, it also casts a powerful cultural message into a world that had shunned it for so long. This is part of what makes Forgotten Peoples so potent. By the same token, Tormis himself has said that his “promotional” approach to folksong is just as instructive to his own people as it is to the global market. (Tyran Grillo, 2010-06-22)
ECM Reviews
Tormis integrates folk-material into his own style in much the same way as Bartok does. As a result, there is a great variety of timbres and textures in the songs that make up these six cycles. Pedals, ostinatos and dance-rhythms abound as does frequent alternation of solo and choral singing. He makes extensive use of accompanied Sprechstimme to narrate some of the lengthy ballads in Izhorian Epic. (Author: ????)
ECM's US marketing team dreaded this set's release—a full-price double CD of an unknown choir performing unknown music by an unknown composer—until they heard it. Forgotten Peoples, a recording without a marketing niche, may well create one of its very own, or find a home in many already established markets. It deserves to do both. It is as important as it is beautiful. (Richard Lehnert, 1992-08-02)
Album overview on the record company homepage
ECM Records Homepage
Helilooja Veljo Tormise esimene autoriplaat "Forgotten Peoples" maineka Müncheni plaadifirma ECM Records sarjas New Series. Kuula albumi tutvustust Klassikaraadios (Johanna Mängel, 2020-06-24)
Product info