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Music for Children
Childrens choir
For Children
Christmas Song
Oh, Give Me Hundred Tongues
Oh Jesus Christ, Come Here
Bless and Keep
Röntyshkä III
Circle Game Song
Three Estonian Game Songs
1. Hand Mill Game (Setu)
2. Bandaging the Fingers Game (Sangaste)
3. Boat Game (Jõelähtme)
Men's Song
Song of the Homeland
Three Estonian Folk Songs
1. Deceitful Bridegroom (Kuusalu)
2. Timid Suitor (Tori) (1966)
3. Hops (Kolga-Jaani)
Oh, I Am a Little Lad
Young Children's Song for St. Catherine's Day
The Hero's Voyage (Väinämöisen venematka)
Seven Songs for Children's Choir
1. Beauty of Evening
2. Boat Ride
3. Trying Out the Swing
4. Married to a Drunkard
5. Martinmas Song
6. St. Catherine's Dance
7. Searching for Song
Vjatka Girls
Herdboy from Viljandi
Five Estonian Folk Songs
1. Evening's Beauty (Audru)
2. Boat Trip (Jõelähtme)
3. Trying Out the Swing (Järva-Jaani)
4. Martinmas Song (Kuusalu)
5. Searching for Song (Setu)
Themesong for Ellerhein Children's choir
Why Did You Rise Me?
Three Ugric Folk Songs
1. What should I Sing? (Hanti)
2. Why Ride in Vain? (Mansi)
3. The Fire Goes Out (Hungarian)
Karjaan kotiinkutsu (Calling Home the Herd)
Five Songs for Toddlers
1. Sewing Machine (Manivald Kesamaa)
2. Tractor (Paul-Eerik Rummo)
3. Car (Paul-Eerik Rummo)
4. Crane (Lea Tormis)
5. Rocket (Heljo Mänd)
Granparents' Chest of Tunes
1. Pussycat on a Tree Stump, I (Valter Anderson, Karl-Eduard Sööt)
2. Children, Come Indoors! (Eduard Ludvig Wõhrmann)
3. Let’s File Off, Boys! (Ernst Enno)
4. Left, Right
5. Shrovetide (Peeter Jakobson)
6. On a Hobby Horse (Voldemar Tamman)
7. Spring Festival
8. Sheperd’s Morning Song (Friedrich Kuhlbars)
9. The Sound of the Horn (Johann Voldemar Jannsen)
10. Herdboy (Jakob Hurt)
11. Pit-a-pat, Little One! (Ernst Enno)
12. A Spinning Song (Jakob Tamm)
13. Fair Tiiu, Maiden of the Farm
14. Oh I Am a Little Lad
15. Kalevipoeg’s Song ("Kalevipoeg", III) ; Pussycat on a Tree Stump, II (Valter Anderson, Karl-Eduard Sööt)
16. Up We Go, Dear Brothers
17. Sail On, Roll On, Little Boat (Martin Körber)
18. The Lake Glitters in the Evening Glow (Anna Haava)
19. An Evening Song (Friedrich Kuhlbars, Johann Christian Heinrich Rinck's melody)
20. Does the Little Bird Worry? (W. K. H. Nylander)
21. In Spring (Karl August Hermann, Paul Tekkel)
22. Tew, Tew, Tiny Tit
23. The Swallow and the Lark
24. Cuckoo, Cuckoo!
25. The Cuckoo is Singing
26. The Crow is Pankster
27. Tsa-tsa, Ra-ra
28. Uppity-Uppity-Up (Ado Piirikivi)
29. My Little Buckie ; Pussycat on a Tree Stump, III (vocalise)
99. Coda. Ellerhein Choir’s Themesong (Heino Kaljuste, Friedrich Saebelmann's melody motif)
Finno-Ugric Landscapes - 15 Folk Songs (Suomalais-ugrilaisia maisemia - 15 kansanlaulua)
1. Hunting Song (Mansi)
2. Singing on a Hillock (Handi)
3. The Mill Turning On the Danubel (Hungarian)
4. By the Riverside (Udmurt)
5. On the Lakeshore (Komi)
6. Homeplace (Mordvivian)
7. Flowing River (Mari)
8. On the Slopes of the Fjeld (Sami)
9. On Vepsian Pathways (Vepsian)
10. Prologue to the Epic (Izhorian)
11. The Oak Tree (Votic)
12. Herding Song (Karelian)
13. Mighty Waves (Finnish)
14. On the Seashore (Livonian)
15. The Creation of the World (Estonian)
School Music from Estonian Folk Songs and Instrumental Pieces
I Sheperd' Stories
1. Herdboy Call (North Estonia)
2. Eat, Herd (Kuusalu)
3. Rain and the Sheperd (Rõngu)
4. A Story of Beautiful Weather
5. A Story of Rainy Weather
6. When the Herd is Missing
7. Fairy Tale
8. Sheperd's Dance Piece
9. Sun, Go Down! (Kodavere)
10. Mother Awaits the Return Home (Hargla)
11. Call for the Cattle to Come Home (Rõuge)
II Harvest Songs
1. Be Finished, Field! (Ambla)
2. Good Harvest (Kadrina)
3. The Biography of Flax (Paistu)
4. The Field is Left for the Birds to Eat (Helme)
5. Famous Haystack Maker (Pilistvere)
6. Gatherer of the Gleanings (Peetri)
7. End of the Harvest (Otepää)
III Holiday Songs
1. Shrovetide Song (Kuusalu)
2. St. John's Day Song (Setu)
3. Martinmas Song I (Rannu)
4. Martinmas Song II (Karuse)
5. Martinmas Song III (Varbla)
6. St. Chaterine's Day Song I (Setu)
7. St. Chaterine's Day Song II (Kolga-Jaani)
8. Christmas Song (Paistu)
IV Game Songs (game descriptions made by Ruth Mirov)
1. Lamb Game (Suure-Jaani)
2. Hawk Game (Paistu)
3. Needle Game (Kuusalu)
4. Boat Game (Karuse)
5. Puppet Game (Paistu)
6. Horse Game (Sangaste)
7. King's Game (Harju-Jaani)
8. Gateway Game (Karula)
9. Goose Game (Kuusalu)
V Swing Songs
1. Trying the Swing (Karja)
2. The Swing is on a Bad Place (Paistu)
3. What is Seen from the Swing (Peetri)
4. Gold Wearing Out (Jõelähtme)
5. Flea on the Swing (Jõhvi)
VI Humerous Stories
1. From Sõmera to Sõrmiku (Haljala)
2. Mous Rides into the Forest (Sangaste)
3. Goat's Horns (Pilistvere)
4. Cat's Praise (Simuna)
5. Rat's Wedding (Haljala)
6. Marvellous Story (Koeru)
7. Warbling Little Bird (Kuusalu)
8. Nanny Goat Doesn't Go Home (Kuusalu)
VII Dance Stories (dance movements described by Kristjan Torop)
1. Tail Dance (Kuusalu)
2. Slave Dance (Karksi)
3. Wizzard's Threshing Barn (Muhu)
4. Mustjala Procession of Pairs (Mustjala)
5. Kerchief Dance (Kuusalu)
6. Dance from Kassari (Kuusalu)
7. Jumping Dance (Setu)
8. Oat's Jaan (Rannu)
Ten Estonian Folk Songs for Children
1. Ride, Ride There
2. Titmouse
3. Cat's Song
4. Iirde, piirde
5. Nanny Goat to the Pasture
6. Put on Trousers
7. Swing Song
8. Cuckoo Calls to the Sheperd
9. The Birds at Work
10. The Village Says to Me